between two valleys: Yamasthal should be crossed to reach the Shiva-sthal, here
there is the symbolical death, Pilgrimages leave the Old clothes, spin of hair
or a drop of Blood in hope, that terrible Yamraja (The master of death) will
attention to these signs and will allow the Yatries (travelers) to be born in
spirit to pass Dolma- La. The pass associates at Buddhists with the goddess
Container, and at Hindu with Parvati, divine wife misters Shiva. On the pass
tourists and pilgrimage hang out the Tibetan flags, On success. While your
steps goes closer to the pass, Once you reach the top, just do the holiest
offerings and sit down for meditation to forget yourself. Once your steps go
down, Parvati-sthal and Gauri Kunda are on the way. By the late afternoon you
will arrive at ZuthalPuk (the cave of Miracles. The great ascetic Milerappa is
supposed to have performed miracles here).